Do it yourself
100% DIY
Something wrong with your bike? Does it need maintenance work done on it? You know a little bit about bicycle maintenance and repair and you do okay with the tools, but you simply don’t have what you need at home?
- By appointment (call us or stop by the shop).
- You work at a professional work station.
- You do the repair yourself (whether using instructional materials or not).
- Important: you bear ultimate responsibility for the repair.
- You fill out a form when you arrive and you pay when the repair is done (including the cost of any replacement parts).
DIY Autonomous For several repairs or one complicated repair > €11/2h (younger than 25? = -50%)
DIY Express For a minor repair that won’t take more than an hour > €6
Convinced? Make an appointment by phone 02 513 95 55 or pass by.
repair with help
Something wrong with your bike? Does it need maintenance work done on it? You don’t have enough experience to do it on your own yet? You could take your bike to a repair shop, but it would be even better to learn how it’s done so you can do it yourself next time!
- By appointment (call us or stop by the shop).
- You work at a professional work station.
- Here too, you do the repair yourself, but a professional bike mechanic does a check-up with you, helps you out, gives you some tips and answers your questions. You will be sharing the mechanic’s expertise and guidance with other DIY cyclists, so you’ll have to have a bit of patience.
- You fill out a form when you arrive and you pay when the repair (check) is done (including the cost of any replacement parts).
> €22 / hour (younger than 25? = -50%)
Convinced? Make an appointment by phone 02 513 95 55 or pass by.
Bicycle Maintenance Workshops : In a small group of Brussels-based cyclists, learn how your bike works (both in general and its particular parts) and discover how to take care of it yourself.